ONE HEALTH / Communicable diseases / Vector-borne diseases

Laboratory of biochemistry of insects and pathogenic fungi

● Biochemistry and molecular biology of lipids and cuticular proteins
in triatoma infestans and Aedes aegypti related to insecticide resistance
and adaptation to environmental factors

● Biological control of triatoma infestans and Aedes aegypti
using entomopathogenic fungi

Work team

Principal InvestigatorGirotti

Calderón Fernández, G. M.


Principal InvestigatorGirotti

Girotti, Juan Roberto


Principal InvestigatorHuarte Bonnet

Huarte Bonnet, Carla


Collaborators from other institutions

Macedo López, Catarina
Departamento de Entomología, Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Mabrán, Ismael
Centro de Investigaciones en Fitopatologías (CIDEFI), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Toledo, Andrea
Centro de Investigaciones en Fitopatologías (CIDEFI), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Trejo, Sebastián
YPF - Tecnología (YTEC), Berisso, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Line overview

This is the most recent subline of work and its objective is to advance on the knowledge of biochemical and molecular aspects of cuticular lipids and volatile compounds involved in the chemical communication and in the interaction, not only in insects buy in pathogenic fungi of sanitary and agricultural importance. We intend to provide basic information as well as its future application in the improvement of new control tools with low environmental impact.
The studies of the subline in agricultural insects have been focused on coleoptera (Tribolium castaneum, Ulomoides dermestoides and Tenebrio molitor) and lepidoptera (Diatraea saccharalis); and in insects of sanitary importance in hemipteran (Triatoma infestans and other triatominae) and diptera (Anopheles gambiae).
In pathogenic fungi, most of the studies were carried out in the phytopathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. More recently, it has been performed studies with relation to the interaction and control by the Trichoderma spp fungus on the phytopathogenic fungi F. graminearum and Dreschlera teres.
This lines closely collaborates with the other sublines of the laboratory, and also with other groups of work inside and outside the institute.
Chromatography techniques are used in the studies: gas chromatography with flame ionization detection, mass spectrometry and electroantennography. We have recently started to use real-time quantitative PCR technique, gene silencing and expression.

Non-thermal plasma as emerging technology for Tribolium castaneum pest-management in stored grains and flours.
Zilli, Carla; Pedrini, Nicolás; Prieto, Eduardo; Girotti, Juan Roberto; Vallecorsa, Pablo; Ferreyra, Matías; Chamorro, Juan Camilo; Cejas, Ezequiel; Fina, Brenda; Prevosto, Leandro; Balestrasse, Karina.
2022. Journal of stored products research. : PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, vol. 99, ISSN 0022-474X
DOI: 10.1016/j.jspr.2022.102031

Chemotaxonomy of five South American species of the Triatoma genus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) based on their cuticle hydrocarbon Pattern.
Débora E. Moriconi, Catarina Macedo-Lopes, Adriana Sartorio, M. Patricia Juárez, Juan R. Girotti and Gustavo M. Calderón-Fernández.
2022. J. Med. Entomol., 59(2), 554–564.

Secretion and detection of defensive compounds by the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum interacting with the insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana.
Belén Davyt-Colo, Juan R. Girotti, Andrés González and Nicolás Pedrini.
2022. Pathogens, 11, 487

Epicuticular hydrocarbons of the redbanded stink bug Piezodorus guildinii (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): Sexual dimorphism and alterations in insects collected in insecticide-treated soybean crops.
Lucía Sessa, Gustavo M. Calderón-Fernández, Eduardo Abreo, Nora Altier, Sergio J. Mijailovsky, Juan R. Girotti, Nicolás Pedrini.
2021. Pest Manag. Sci.

Deciphering the role of Rhodnius prolixus CYP4G genes in straight and methyl-branched hydrocarbon formation and in desiccation tolerance.
A. B. Dulbecco, D. E. Moriconi, S. Lynn, A. M. Carthy, M. P. Juárez, J. R. Girotti, G. M. Calderón-Fernández.
2020. Insect Mol. Biol.

Commercially available natural inhibitors of trichothecene production in Fusarium graminearum: A strategy to manage Fusarium head blight of wheat.
Ismael Malbrán, Cecilia A. Mourelos, Martín Pardi, Safa Oufensou, Virgilio Balmas, Giovanna Delogu, Quirico Migheli, Gladys A. Lori, M. Patricia Juárez and Juan R. Girotti.
2020. Crop Prot.

Mosquitoes cloak their legs to resist insecticides.
Vasileia Balabanidou, Mary Kefi, Michalis Aivaliotis, Venetia Koidou, Juan R. Girotti, Sergio J. Mijailovsky, M. Patricia Juárez, Eva Papadogiorgaki, George Chalepakis, Anastasia Kampouraki, Christoforos Nikolaou, Hilary Ranson and John Vontas.
2019. Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20191091

Antifungal activity of Trichoderma VOCs against Pyrenophora teres, the causal agent of barley net blotch.
Moya, Paulina, Girotti, Juan, Sisterna, Marina, Toledo, Andrea.
2018. J Plant Prot Res. Vol. 58, No. 1: 45–53 DOI: 10.24425/119115

Synthesis and secretion of volatile short chain fatty acids in Triatoma infestans infected with Beauveria bassiana.
Lobo, Luciana S.; Girotti, Juan R.; Mijailovsky, Sergio J.; Fernandes, Éverton K. K.; Luz, Christian; Pedrini, Nicolás.
2018. Med. Vet. Entomol. DOI: 10.1111/mve.12306

Insights into Hydrocarbon Assimilation by Eurotialean and Hypocrealean Fungi: Roles for CYP52 and CYP53 Clans of Cytochrome P450 Genes.
Carla Huarte-Bonnet, Suresh Kumar, Mario C. N. Saparrat, Juan R. Girotti, Marianela Santana, John E. Hallsworth and Nicolás Pedrini.
2017. Appl Biochem Biotechnol.

Biological control of the Chagas disease vector Triatoma infestans with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana combined with an aggregation cue: field, laboratory and mathematical modeling assessment.
L. Forlani, N. Pedrini, J. R. Girotti, S. J. Mijailovsky, R. M. Cardozo, A. G. Gentile, C. M. Hernández-Suarez, J. E. Rabinovich and M. P. Juárez.
2015. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9(5): e0003778.

Deltamethrin Binding to Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Lipoproteins. Analysis by Solvent Bar Microextraction Coupled to Gas Chromatography.
A. B. Dulbecco, S. J. Mijailovsky, J. R. Girotti and M. P. Juárez.
2015. J. Med. Entomol. 52(6):1254-9.

Toxigenic capacity and trichothecene production by Fusarium graminearum isolates from Argentina and their relationship with aggressiveness and fungal expansion in the wheat spike.
I. Malbrán, C. A. Mourelos, J. R. Girotti, P. A. Balatti, and G. A. Lori.
2014. Phytopathology, Vol. 104, Nº 4, 357-364

Early detection of toxigenic Fusarium graminearum in wheat.
J.R. Girotti, I. Malbrán, G.A. Lori and M.P. Juárez.
2012. World Mycotoxin Journal, 5(2):143-152

Epicuticular hydrocarbons of the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae).
Juan R. Girotti, Sergio J. Mijailovsky and M. Patricia Juárez.
2012. Physilogical entomology, 37 (3): 266–277

Aggressiveness variation of Fusarium graminearum isolates from Argentina following point inoculation of field grown wheat spikes.
Ismael Malbrán, Cecilia. A. Mourelos, Juan. R. Girotti, Mónica B. Aulicino, Pedro A. Balatti, Gladys A. Lori.
2012. Crop protection, 42: 234–243

In vitro comparative analysis of antiproliferative activity of essential oil from mandarin peel and its principal component limonene.
Carlos A Manassero, Juan R Girotti, Sergio Mijailovsky, Margarita García de Bravo, Mónica Polo.
2012. Natural Product Research, iFirst.

Cuticular Hydrocarbons of Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): Intraspecific Variation and Chemotaxonomy.
Calderón Fernández, G.M.; Girotti, J.R., Juárez, M.P.
2011. Journal of Medical Entomology, 48(2): 262-271

The cuticular hydrocarbon pattern as chemotaxonomy marker to assess the intraspecific varibility in Triatoma infestans, a major Chagas disease vector.
Calderón Fernández, G.M.; Girotti, J.R., Juárez, M.P.
2011. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 26:201-209

Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of defence secretion of Ulomoides dermestoides on A549 cells.
Rosana Crespo, M. Luciana Villaverde, Juan R. Girotti, Alba Güerci, M. Patricia Juárez, Margarita G. de Bravo.
2011. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 136: 204–209

Use of solid phase microextraction coupled to capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for screening Fusarium spp. based on their volatile sesquiterpenes.
J.R. Girotti, I. Malbrán, G.A. Lori and M.P. Juárez.
2010. World Mycotoxin Journal, 3(2):121-128

Pyrethroid resistance in Chagas disease vectors: The case of Triatoma infestans cuticle. Review.
M. P. Juárez, N. Pedrini, J. R. Girotti and S. J. Mijailovsky.
2010. Resistant Pest Management Newsletter, Vol. 19, No. 2: 61

Epicuticular lipids induce aggregation in Chagas disease vectors.
Alicia N Lorenzo Figueiras, Juan R Girotti, Sergio J Mijailovsky and M Patricia Juarez.
2009. Parasites & Vectors, 2:8

Control of pyrethroid-resistant Chagas disease vectors with entomopathogenic fungi.
N. Pedrini, S.J. Mijailovsky, J.R. Girotti, R. Stariolo, R.M. Cardozo, A. Gentile, M.P. Juárez.
2009. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 3 (5e434).

Volatile secretions and epicuticular hydrocarbons of the beetle Ulomoides dermestoides.
M.L. Villaverde, J.R. Girotti, N. Pedrini, S.J. Mijailovsky and M.P. Juárez.
2009. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 154, 381-386

Ismael Malbrán, Cecilia Mourelos, Juan R. Girotti and Gladys A. Lori.
2018. Chapter 91 In Handbook of Foodborne Diseases. Ed. Dongyou Liu, CRC Press Taylor & Francis group. p. 979- 988

Triatominos de Bolivia y la enfermedad de Chagas. Hidrocarburos cuticulares de triatoninos.
Marta Patricia Juárez; Gustavo Mario Calderón Fernández; Juan Roberto Girotti; Catarina Macedo Lopes.
Capítulo VIII, p. 191- 201

Hidrocarburos epicuticulares de Triatoma: su utilidad en taxonomía química.
M. P. Juárez, G. Calderón Fernández, J. Girotti, S. Mijailovsky.
2007. Libro de Resúmenes, Taller del Cono Sur “Actualización de la Tripanosomiasis Americana”. Chagas Disease Intervention Activities-European Community (CDIA-EU). p. 97-104. 25 al 27 de abril de 2007. Asunción, Paraguay.

Causas Biológicas y ambientales de la estructuración espacial en Triatoma infestans y sus implicancias en el control vectorial.
S. Catalá, D. Gorla, P. Juárez, M.I. Picollo, F. Panzera, F. Noireau, M. Rojas Cortes, J.P. Dujardin, E. Zerba, C. Vanessa, R. Peréz, G. Calderón, L. Abrahan, M.L. Hernandez, R. Cardozo, E. López, X. Porcasi, M. Moreno, J. Schater Broide, R. Gurtler, C. Lucero, I. Ferrandis, L. Calleros, M.J. Ferreiro, L. Cardozo, J. Girotti, S. Mijailovsky, W. Richer, P. Kengne, M.M. Perrineau, A Cohuet, D. Fontenille, B. Herrera, A. Gentile, A. Gemio, P. Alderete, P: Diosque, N. Acosta, P. Alcaraz, A. Llanos, A.
2007. Uncos. Libro de Resúmenes, Taller del Cono Sur “Actualización de la Tripanosomiasis Americana”. Chagas Disease Intervention Activities-European Community (CDIA-EU). p. 13- 18. 25 al 27 de abril de 2007. Asunción, Paraguay.

“Trampa para insectos hematófagos, método de control y método de detección de dichos insectos”
M. Patricia Juárez, Nicolás Pedrini, Juan R. Girotti, Sergio J. Mijailovsky, Alicia Lorenzo Figueiras.
Solicitud Nº P-080102268 (INPI 2008, en evaluación). Boletín Nº 568, pag. 5
Resolución AR068790A1 (Concedida 2015). Patentes concedidas 2015 enero - marzo, pag. 141

“Método para la detección temprana de infecciones fúngicas en plantas cultivables, método para evaluar la efectividad de un tratamiento antifúngico y procedimiento”
Juan R. Girotti, Ismael Malbrán, Gladys A. Lori; M. Patricia Juárez.
Solicitud Nº P-080104942 (INPI 2008).
Resolución Nº AR069297B1 (Concedida 2017) Boletín Nº 2017/04, pag.65

United States Patent Application Publication: “Bioinsecticide formulation comprising highly resistant Beauveria bassiana microsclerotia and method of preparation thereof”
Applicants: YPF Tecnología S.A., Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (AR); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (AR); Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), La Plata (AR).
Inventors: Sebastián Alejandro Trejo; Sebastián Reinoso; Walter Alberto Vargas; Eliana Abrahamovich; Nicolás Pedrini; Juan Roberto Girotti; Marta Patricia Juárez.
Appl. No.: 16/811,381. Pub. No.: US 2020/0281215 A1. Pub. Date: Sep. 10, 2020

United States Patent Application Publication: “Sexual attraction pheromone of Tribolium castaneum and insect control device”
Applicants: YPF Tecnología S.A., Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (AR); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (AR); Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), La Plata (AR).
Inventors: Sebastián Alejandro Trejo; Sebastián Reinoso; Walter Alberto Vargas; Eliana Abrahamovich; Nicolás Pedrini; Juan Roberto Girotti; Marta Patricia Juárez.
Appl. No.: 16/811,928. Pub. No.: US 2020/0281206 A1. Pub. Date: Sep. 10, 2020

Rol de la cutícula en la resistencia a insecticidas y en la comunicación química de insectos vectores de la Enfermedad de Chagas.
Autor: Dulbecco, Andrea Belén.
Director: Juárez, M. Patricia
Co-director: Girotti, Juan R.
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNLP, 2019

Premio Innovar Categoría Investigación Aplicada. “Trampa para el control de gorgojos en molinos harineros basada en un hongo entomopatógeno que sobreexpresa un factor de virulencia específico”. ID 14578.
Pedrini, Nicolás; Girotti, Juan R.; Juárez, M. Patricia y Fuse, Cecilia.
2013. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, República Argentina.

"Premio de la Asociación Latino Americana de Ecología Química" Fusarium Head Blight: Chemical signals of early infection.
Girotti, Juan; Malbrán, Ismael; Lori, Gladys; Juárez, M. Patricia. 2010

“Premio Innovar” Categoría Innovaciones en el Agro. “Detección temprana de fusariosis”
Girotti, Juan R; Juárez, M. Patricia; Malbrán, Ismael; Lori, Gladys A.
2009. Proyecto Nº 3776. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, República Argentina.

“Preseleccionado para el premio Innovar” Categoría Investigación Aplicada. “Trampa para el control de vinchucas”
Juárez, M. P; Pedrini, N; Girotti, J. R; Mijailovsky, S.
2009. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, República Argentina.

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