Laboratory of biochemistry of insects and pathogenic fungi

Biochemistry of lipids and cuticular proteins in insects of sanitary
and agricultural importance.

Work team

Principal InvestigatorCalderon-Fernandez

Calderón Fernández, G. M.


Girotti, Juan RobertoGirotti

Investigator collaborator

Dulbecco, AndreaDulbecco


Ifrán, Nicolás Jesus N. Ifran

Research Fellow

Mijailovsky, Sergio JavierMijailovsky

Professional support staff

Santana, MarianelaSantana

Bachelor’s degree in Biology-specialized in Zoology
Professional support staff

Collaborators from other institutions

Gondim, Katia C.
Instituto de Bioquímica Médica Leopoldo de Meis, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Macedo López, Catarina
Departamento de Entomología, Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Majerowicz, David
Departamento de Biotecnología Farmacéutica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

McCarthy, Andrés
Centro Regional de Estudios Genómicos, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata.

Cardozo, Rubén
Instituto de Patología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Salta.

Line overview

This subline of work is the continuation of one of the main lines of the laboratory during the direction of Dr. Patricia Juárez and is focused on the study of the composition, structure, metabolism, and function of the lipids and the cuticular proteins of insects, as well as the usefulness of cuticular hydrocarbons as a tool of chemical taxonomy.
It has recently been included the identification and molecular and functional characterization of genes of the integument involved in the biosynthesis of cuticular lipids and proteins to the traditional biochemical studies. They contribute to the role of cuticle barrier in the face of loss of water and insecticide penetration that participate in the biosynthesis of contact pheromone, among other multiple functions.
Within insects of medical importance, we mainly study triatomines, which are Chagas disease vectors. While, within insects of agronomic importance, our research is focused on coleoptera, which are stored grain pests as Tribolium castaneum. To do this, we use techniques such as quantitative real time, RNA sequencing, thin layer chromatography, column chromatography and gaseous chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, as well as multivariant analyses of order and classification.

Cytochrome P450 genes of the CYP4 clan and pyrethroid resistance in Chagas disease vectors.
Dulbecco AB, Calderón-Fernández GM, Pedrini N.
2022. Frontiers in Tropical Diseases. [autor correspondiente]
doi: 10.3389/fitd.2022.823093

Chemotaxonomy of five South American species of the Triatoma genus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) based on their cuticle hydrocarbon pattern.
Moriconi DE, Macedo Lopes C, Sartorio A, Juárez MP, Girotti JR, Calderón-Fernández GM.
2022. Journal of Medical Entomology 59(2): 554-564

Epicuticular hydrocarbons of the redbanded stink bug Piezodorus guildinii (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): Sexual dimorphism and alterations in insects collected in insecticide-treated soybean crops.
Sessa L, Calderón-Fernández GM, Abreo E, Altier N, Mijailovsky SJ, Girotti JR, Pedrini N.
2021. Pest Management Science 77(11): 4892-4902

Deciphering the role of Rhodnius prolixus CYP4G genes in straight and methyl-branched hydrocarbon formation and in desiccation tolerance.
Dulbecco AB, Moriconi DE, Lynn S, Mc Carthy A, Juárez MP, Girotti JR, Calderón-Fernández GM.
2020. Insect Molecular Biology 29: 431-443

A fatty acid synthase gene (FASN3) from the integument tissue of Rhodnius prolixus contributes to cuticle water loss regulation.
Moriconi DE, Dulbecco AB, Juárez MP, Calderón-Fernández GM.
2019. Insect Molecular Biology 28: 850-861

Integument CYP genes of the largest genome-wide cytochrome P450 expansions in triatomines participate in detoxification in deltamethrin-resistant Triatoma infestans.
Dulbecco AB, Moriconi DE, Calderón-Fernández GM, Lynn S, Mc Carthy A, Roca Acevedo G, Salamanca Moreno J, Juárez MP, Pedrini N.
2018. Scientific Reports 8: 10177

Transcriptome analysis of the Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) integument.
Calderón-Fernández GM, Moriconi DE, Dulbecco AB, Juárez MP.
2017. Journal of Medical Entomology 54(6): 1531–1542

Lipid metabolism in Rhodnius prolixus: Lessons from the genome.
Majerowicz D, Calderón-Fernández GM, Alves-Bezerra M, De Paula IF, Cardoso LS, Juárez MP, Atella GC, Gondim KC.
2017. Gene 596: 27-44

Genome of Rhodnius prolixus, an insect vector of Chagas disease, reveals unique adaptations to hematophagy and parasite infection.
Mesquita RD, Vionette-Amaral RJ, Lowenberger C, Rivera-Pomar R, Monteiro FA, Minx P, Spieth J, Carvalho AB, Panzera F, Lawson D, Torres AQ, Ribeiro JM, Sorgine MH, Waterhouse RM, Montague MJ, Abad-Franch F, Alves-Bezerra M, Amaral LR, Araujo HM, Araujo RN, Aravind L, Atella GC, Azambuja P, Berni M, Bittencourt-Cunha PR, Braz GR, Calderón-Fernández GM, Carareto CM, Christensen MB, Costa IR, Costa SG, Dansa M, Daumas-Filho CR, De-Paula IF, Dias FA, Dimopoulos G, Emrich SJ, Esponda-Behrens N, Fampa P, Fernandez-Medina RD, da Fonseca RN, Fontenele M, Fronick C, Fulton LA, Gandara AC, Garcia ES, Genta FA, Giraldo-Calderón GI, Gomes B, Gondim KC, Granzotto A, Guarneri AA, Guigó R, Harry M, Hughes DS, Jablonka W, Jacquin-Joly E, Juárez MP, Koerich LB, Lange AB, Latorre-Estivalis JM, Lavore A, Lawrence GG, Lazoski C, Lazzari CR, Lopes RR, Lorenzo MG, Lugon MD, Majerowicz D, Marcet PL, Mariotti M, Masuda H, Megy K, Melo AC, Missirlis F, Mota T, Noriega FG, Nouzova M, Nunes RD, Oliveira RL, Oliveira-Silveira G, Ons S, Orchard I, Pagola L, Paiva-Silva GO, Pascual A, Pavan MG, Pedrini N, Peixoto AA, Pereira MH, Pike A, Polycarpo C, Prosdocimi F, Ribeiro-Rodrigues R, Robertson HM, Salerno AP, Salmon D, Santesmasses D, Schama R, Seabra-Junior ES, Silva-Cardoso L, Silva-Neto MA, Souza-Gomes M, Sterkel M, Taracena ML, Tojo M, Tu ZJ, Tubio JM, Ursic-Bedoya R, Venancio TM, Walter-Nuno AB, Wilson D, Warren WC, Wilson RK, Huebner E, Dotson EM, Oliveira PL.
2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (48): 14936–14941

Genomic and functional characterization of a methoprene-tolerant gene in the kissing-bug Rhodnius prolixus.
Villalobos-Sambucaro, M. J; Riccillo, F. L; Calderón-Fernández, G. M; Sterkel, M; Diambra, L; Ronderos, J. F.
2015. General and Comparative Endocrinology 216: 1-8

The cuticular hydrocarbons of the Triatoma sordida species subcomplex (Hemiptera: Reduviidae).
Calderón-Fernández, G. M; Juárez, M. P.
2013. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 108(6): 778-784
DOI: 10.1590/0074-0276108062013015

Cuticular hydrocarbon pattern as a chemotaxonomy marker to assess intraspecific varibility in Triatoma infestans, a major vector of Chagas’ disease.
Calderón-Fernández, G. M; Girotti, J. R; Juárez, M. P.
2012. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 26(2): 201-209

Epicuticle lipids mediate mate recognition in Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae).
Cocchiararo-Bastias, L. M; Mijailovsky, S. J; Calderon-Fernández, G. M; Figueiras, A. N; Juárez, M. P.
2011. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37(3): 246-252

Cuticular hydrocarbons of Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): intraspecific variation and chemotaxonomy.
Calderón-Fernández, G. M; Girotti, J. R; Juárez, M. P.
2011. Journal of Medical Entomology 48(2): 262-271
DOI: 10.1603/me10141 DOI: 10.1603/me10141

Cuticular hydrocarbons of triatomines.
Juárez, M. P; Calderón Fernández, G.
2007. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 147(3): 711-730
DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2006.08.031

Cuticular hydrocarbon variability among Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) populations from Mexico and Guatemala.
Calderón Fernández, G. M; Juárez, M. P; Ramsey, J; Salazar Schettino, P. M; Monroy, M, C; Ordoñez, R; Cabrera, M.
2005. Journal of Medical Entomology 42(5): 780-788

Intraspecific variability in Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) populations from Guatemala based on chemical and morphometric analyses.
Calderón Fernández, G. M; Juárez, M. P; Monroy, M, C; Menes, M; Bustamante, D. M; Mijailovsky, S. J.
2005. Journal of Medical Entomology 42(1): 29-35
DOI: 10.1093/jmedent/42.1.29.

Efecto de la temperatura y humedad relativa sobre la mortalidad de Triatoma infestans susceptibles y resistentes a piretroides, expuestos a una cepa nativa de Beauveria bassiana de la región chaqueña, Salta-Argentina.
L.V. Baldiviezo, N. Pedrini, L.B. Nieva, R.M. Cardozo.
2022. En: Oliveira, A.M.C. (Ed), Interação parasito-hospedeiro. ISBN 978-65-5983-870-7. Atena, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, pp. 36-46
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7072226013

Entomopathogenic Fungi for the Control of Arthropod Pests.
I. da Costa Angelo, I., V.R.E.P. Bittencourt, E.K.K. Fernandes, P. Golo, N. Pedrini, J.L. Ramirez, eds.
2022. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.

Toxic secondary metabolites and virulence factors expression by entomopathogenic fungi during insect infection and their potential impact as a tool for pest management.
M.C. Mannino, B. Davyt-Colo, N. Pedrini.
2021. En: Md. A. Khan, W. Ahmad (Eds.), Microbes for Sustainable lnsect Pest Management (Hydrolytic Enzyme & Secondary Metabolite – Volume 2) ISBN 978-3-030-67230-0. Springer-Nature, Basel, pp. 121-134

Thermotolerance of conidia of entomopathogenic fungi.
F.R.S. Paixão, E.K.K. Fernandes, N. Pedrini.
2019. En: Md. A. Khan, W. Ahmad (Eds.), Microbes for Sustainable lnsect Pest Management (Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection) ISBN 978-3-030-23044-9. Springer-Nature, Basel, pp. 189-200

Oxidative stress in entomopathogenic fungi and its potential role on mycoinsecticide enhancement.
C. Huarte-Bonnet, M.C. Mannino, N. Pedrini.
2019. En: Md. A. Khan, W. Ahmad (Eds.), Microbes for Sustainable lnsect Pest Management (Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection) ISBN 978-3-030-23044-9. Springer-Nature, Basel, pp. 201-209

Análisis de la expresión de genes de hongos entomopatógenos mediante RT-PCR.
N. Pedrini, F. Consolo.
2013. En: C. Berón (Ed.), Manual de laboratorio: patología de insectos, 1ª ed., Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, pp.43-49

Entomopathogenic fungi and their host cuticle.
N. Pedrini, M.P. Juárez.
2008. En: J. Capinera (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Entomology (2nd. Edition). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 1333-1336

Mycoinsecticides against Chagas disease vectors: Biochemistry involved in insect host hydrocarbon degradation.
M.P. Juárez, N. Pedrini, R. Crespo.
2004. En: S. Mas-Comas (Ed.), Multidisciplinarity for Parasites, Vectors and Parasitic Diseases. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, pp. 137-142

Hidrocarburos cuticulares de Triatominos: etapas iniciales de la biosíntesis; rol en la resistencia a insecticidas. Utilidad para el estudio filogenético del grupo.
Autora: Moriconi, Debora Elizabeth.
Directores: Dr. Calderón Fernández, Gustavo M. - Dra.Juárez, M. Patricia.

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