Effects of copper-cholesterol association on lipid metabolism and oxidative stress formation. Implications in the development of neurodegeneration

Team of work

Principal InvestigatorArnal

Arnal, Nathalie


Zubillaga, MarleneZubillaga

Research Fellow

Creo, VictoriaCreo

Research Fellow

Collaborators from other institutions

Cristalli, Diana
Cátedra de Neurología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Hospital San Roque (Gonnet) La Plata, Argentina.

Dr Chokler, Claudio

Line overview

In the present line it is investigated the effects of copper-cholesterol association on key enzymes of the lipid metabolism and the antioxidant defense system. At the same time, we try to elucidate the mechanisms leading to the activation of the pathways of programed cellular death and its correlation with the development of neurodegeneration, specifically Alzheimer type.

In these studies mixed experimental systems are used; some experiments are carried out with Wistar rats, whereas others are performed in lines of either established cultures or primary cultures. Animals are fed with semi-synthetic diets prepared in our laboratory with or without the addition of cholesterol and, in some cases, supplemented in the drinking water with copper.

In the present line peripheral blood of patients with Alzheimer and their direct relatives is analyzed in order to establish biomarkers of oxidative stress and neurodegeneration process.

The objective of this line is to obtain biomarkers that may function as indicators of early damage (sub-clinical), established damage, prognosis or evolution, or the evaluation of the therapeutic strategies in order to be applied to the clinical practice.

Effect of Sublethal Copper Overload on Cholesterol De Novo Synthesis in Undifferentiated Neuronal Cells
Zubillaga Marlene; Rosa Diana; Astiz Mariana; Tricerri Alejandra; Arnal Nathalie.
2022. Acs omega. ACS Omega. vol. 7, n° 29, p. 25022-25030. ISSN 2470-1343

Implication of oxidative stress, aging and inflammatory processes in neurodegenerative diseases: growth factors as therapeutic approach.
Herrera Macarena Lorena; Falomir-Lockhart, Eugenia; Dolcetti, Franco Juan Cruz; Arnal, Nathalie; Bellini, María Jose; Hereñu, Claudia B.; Disgiulo, Pascual.
2019: Springer, p. 1-465. ISBN 978-3-319-17103-6

Pro-apoptotic effects of low doses of dimethoate in rat brain.
Arnal, N; Morel, G; Marra, C. A; Astiz, M.
2018. Toxicology and applied pharmacology. ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, vol. 363, p. 57-63. ISSN 0041-008X

Gut permeability and glucose absorption are affected at early stages of graft rejection in a small bowel transplant rat model.
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2017. Transplantation direct.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, vol. 3, n° e220, p. 1-9. ISSN 2373-8731

Dietary fats significantly influence the survival of penumbral neurons in a rat model of chronic ischemic by modifying lipid mediators, inflammatory biomarkers, NOS production, and redox-dependent apoptotic signals.
Lausada, N; Arnal, N; Astiz, M; Marin, C; Lofeudo, J. M; Stringa, P; Alaníz, M. J. T. De; Gomez Dumm, N. T. De; Hurtado De Catalfo, G; Cristalli, N; Pallanza, C; Illara, E; Bozzarello, E; Cristalli, D; Marra, C. A.
2015. Nutrition. Amsterdam: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. vol. 31, p. 1430-1442. ISSN 0899-9007

Copper-induced alterations in rat brain depends on route of overload and basal copper levels.
Arnal, N; Dominici, L; de Tacconi, M. J; Marra, C. A.
2014. Nutrition. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2013.06.009

Role of copper and cholesterol association in the neurodegenerative process.
Arnal, N; Morel, G. R; de Alaniz, M. J; Castillo, O; Marra, C. A.
2013. Int J Alzheimers Dis. doi: 10.1155/2013/414817

Effects of Copper and/or Cholesterol Overload on Mitochondrial Function in a Rat Model of Incipient Neurodegeneration.
Arnal, N; Castillo, O; de Alaniz, M. J; Marra, C. A.
2013. Int J Alzheimers Dis. doi: 10.1155/2013/645379

Peripheral markers in neurodegenerative patients and their first-degree relatives.
Cristalli, D. O; Arnal, N; Marra, F. A; de Alaniz, M. J; Marra, C. A.
2012. J Neurol Sci. 15;314(1-2):48-562012

Clinical parameters of biomarkers of oxidative stress in agricultural workers who applied copper-based pesticides.
Arnal, N; Astiz, M; Alaniz, M. J. T. de; Marra, C. A.
2011. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (6) 1779-86

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Arnal, N; Cristalli, D. O; de Alaniz, M. J; Marra, C. A.
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