Jian-Wen Qiu
Hong Kong Baptist University, Republica Popular de China.
Ceolín, Marcelo
INIFTA -Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadasa (CONICET - CCT- La Plata - UNLP). La Plata. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Fernández, Patricia
Cátedra de Patología de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. UNLP. La Plata. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Nuestro grupo está abocado a catalogar, identificar y luego estudiar la estructura y funciones de proteínas desconocidas de los huevos de caracoles invasores, plaga del agro y vectores de parásitos. Esperamos comprender sus estrategias reproductivas desde el punto de vista bioquímico y al mismo tiempo, seleccionar algunas de estas nuevas proteínas con potencial como compuestos bioactivos para explorar su aplicación en biomedicina.
Pomacea canaliculata hemocyanin as a novel natural immunostimulant in mammals.
Chiumiento, Ignacio Rafael; Tricerri, María Alejandra; Cortéz María Fernanda Cortéz; Ituarte, Santiago; Tau, Julia; Mariño, Karina Valeria; Smaldini, Paola Lorena; Heras, Horacio; Dreon, Marcos Sebastián.
2025. Frontiers in Immunology. Sec. Vaccines and Molecular Therapeutics
DOI https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2024.1490260
Phylogenetic variations in a novel family of hyperstable apple snail egg proteins: insights into structural stability and functional trends.
Pasquevich, M. Y; Diupotex-Chong, M. N; Dreon, M. S; Heras, H.
2024 J. Exp. Biol. 227,15
DOI https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.247277
Egg toxic compounds in the animal kingdom. A comprehensive review.
Gigio, M.; Boland, W; Heras, H.
2022. Natural Product Report 39
DOI https://doi.org/10.1039/d2np00029f
Ingestion of Poisonous Eggs of the Invasive Apple Snail Pomacea canaliculata Adversely Affects Bullfrog Lithobathes catesbeianus Intestine Morphophysiology.
Brola, Tabata R.; Dreon, Marcos S.; Fernández, Patricia E.; Portiansky, Enrique L.; Heras, Horacio.
2021. Malacologia.
doi: 10.4002/040.063.0202
Biochemical and morphological features of the uropygial gland of the Chilean Flamingo and their functional implications.
Chiale, María Cecilia; Cadierno, María Pilar; Fernández, Patricia; Mijailovsky, Sergio; Heras, Horacio; Barbeito, Claudio; Montalti, Diego.
2021. Zoology.
Dynamics of circulating lipoproteins and lipids in Brown Skua (Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi) during the breeding cycle.
Ibañez, A.E.; Pasquevich, M.Y.; Machulsky, N. Fernandez; Berg, G.; Heras, H.; Montalti, D.; Grilli, M. Graña.
2021. Polar biology.
Exaptation of two ancient immune proteins into a new dimeric pore-forming toxin in snails.
Giglio, M. L.; Ituarte, S.; Milesi, V.; Dreon, M.S.; Brola, T. R.; Caramelo, J.; Ip, J. C. H.; Maté, S.; Qiu, J. W.; Otero, L. H.; Heras, H.
2020. Journal of structural biology.
Apple snail egg perivitellin coloration, as a taxonomic character for invasive Pomacea maculata and P. canaliculata, determined by a simple method.
Pasquevich, M. Y.; Heras, H.
2020. Biological invasions.
A highly stable, nondigestible lectin from Pomacea difusa unveils clade-related protection systems in apple snail eggs.
Brola, T. R; Dreon, M. S; Qiu, J. W; Heras, H.
2020. Journal of experimental biology.
Novel Role for Animal Innate Immune Molecules: Enterotoxic Activity of a Snail Egg.
Giglio, Matías L.; Ituarte, Santiago; Ibañez, Andrés E.; Dreon, Marcos S.; Prieto, Eduardo; Fernández, Patricia E.; Heras, Horacio.
2020. MACPF-Toxin. Frontiers in immunology.
Egg perivitelline fluid proteome of a freshwater snail: Insight into the
transition from aquatic to terrestrial egg deposition
Ip, Jack C.H.; Mu, Huawei; Zhang, Yanjie; Heras, Horacio; Qiu, Jian.
2020. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
Hemocyanin of the Caenogastropod Pomacea canaliculata exhibits evolutionary differences among gastropod clades.
Chiumiento, IR., Ituarte, S., Sun, J., Qiu, J-W., Heras, H. and Dreon, MS. >
2020. Plos one.
Understanding the Transition from Water to Land: Insights from Multi-omic Analyses of the Perivitelline Fluid of Apple Snail Eggs.
Ip, J, Mu, H., Zhang, Y., Sun, J., Heras, H., Chu, FH, Qiu, J-W.
2019. J. Proteomics.
Non-digestible proteins and protease inhibitors: Implications for defense of the colored eggs of freshwater apple snails.
Ituarte, S., Brola, TR., Dreon, MS., Sun, J., Qiu, J-W., Heras, H.
2019. Can. J. Zool.
Genomic signatures of divergence and invasiveness in apple snails.
Sun, J, H Mu, JCH Ip, R Lib, T Xub, N Kumagai, Y Yusa, A Accorsi, A Sánchez Alvarado, E Ross, A Castro-Vazquez, IA Vega, H Heras, S Ituarte, B Van Bocxlaer, KA Hayes, RH Cowie, Z Zhao, Y Zhang, P-Y Qian, J-W Qiu.
2019. Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Egg perivitelline fluid proteome of a freshwater snail (Caenogastropoda): insight into the transition from aquatic to terrestrial egg deposition.
Ip JCH, Mu, H., Zhang, Y., Heras, H., Chu, KH. and Qiu, J-W.
2019. Rap. Comm. Mass Spectrometry.
Biosynthesis in the Albumen Gland-Capsule Gland Complex Limits Reproductive Effort in the Invasive Apple Snail Pomacea canaliculata.
Cadierno, M. P; Saveanu, L; Dreon, M. S; Martín, P. R; Heras, H.
2018. Biological bulletin.
Validation by qPCR of reference genes for reproductive studies in the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata.
Cadierno, M. P; Dreon, M. S; Heras, H.
2018. Malacologia.
A lectin of a non-invasive apple snail as an egg defense against predation alters the rat gut morphophysiology.
Ituarte, S; Brola, T. R; Fernández, P. E; Mu, H; Qiu, J; Heras, H; Dreon, M. S.
2018. Plos one.
AmpuBase: a transcriptome database for eight species of apple snails (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae).
Ip, J; Mu, H; Chen, Q; Jin, S; Ituarte, S; Van Bocxlaer, B; Ganmanee, M; Huang, X; Qiu, J.
2018. BMC Genomics.
Egg perivitelline fluid of the invasive snail Pomacea canaliculata affects mice gastrointestinal function and morphology.
Giglio, M. L; Garro, C; Caviedes Vidal, E; Heras, H.
2018. Peerj, Inc.
An integrated proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of perivitelline fluid proteins in a freshwater gastropod laying aerial eggs.
Mu, H; Sun, J; Heras, H; Chu, K.H; Qiu, J-W.
2017. J. Proteomics.
Apple snail perivitellin precursor properties help explain predator´ feeding behavior.
Cadierno, M.P; Dreon, M.S; Heras, H. Physiol.
2017. Biochem. Zool.
The influence of energy, nutritional value and noxiousness in sex- and size-biased predation by Snail Kites in southern South America.
Cadierno, M.P; Burela, S; Dreon, M.S; Martin, P; Heras, H.
2017. EMU.
Dataset for the proteomic and transcriptomic analyses of perivitelline fluid proteins in Pomacea snail eggs.
Mu, H; Sun, J; Heras, H; Chu, K.H; Qiu, J-W.
2017. Data in Brief.
Convergent evolution of plant and animal embryo defences by hyperstable non-digestible storage proteins.
Pasquevich, M.Y; Dreon, M.S; Qiu, J-W; Mu, H; Heras, H.
2017. Scientific Reports.
The eggs of the apple snail Pomacea maculata are defended by indigestible polysaccharides and toxic proteins.
Giglio, M. L; Ituarte, S; Pasquevich, M. Y; Heras, H.
2016. Can. J. Zool.
Effects of sewage discharges on lipid and fatty acid composition of the freshwater Patagonian bivalve Diplodon chilensis.
Rochetta, I; Pasquevich, M. Y; Heras, H; Rios De Molina, M. C; Luquet, C. M.
2014. Mar. Pollut. Bull.
Insights into embryo defenses of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata: egg mass ingestion affects rat intestine morphology and growth.
Dreon, M. S; Fernández, P. E; Gimeno, E; Heras, H.
2014. PLoS Neglect.
The major egg reserve protein from the invasive apple snail Pomacea maculata is a complex carotenoprotein related to those of Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea scalaris.
Pasquevich, M. Y; Dreon, M, S; Heras, H.
2014. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
¿Por qué hay huevos que nadie quiere comer?
Heras, H.
2014. Ciencia Hoy. (Trabajo de divulgación)
Effect of crude oil petroleum hydrocarbons on protein expression of the prawn Macrobrachium borellii.
Pasquevich, M. Y; Dreon, M. S; Gutiérrez Rivera, J. N; Vázquez Boucard, C; Heras H.
2013. Comp. Biochem. Physiol C.
Study of biochemical biomarkers in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium borellii (Crustacea: Palaemonidae) exposed to organophosphate fenitrothion.
Lavarías, S; García, C; Crespo, R; Pedrini, N; Heras H.
2013. Ecotoxicol.
Novel animal defenses against predation: A snail egg neurotoxin combining lectin and pore-forming chains that resembles plant defense and bacteria attack toxins.
Dreon, M. S; Frassa, M. V; Ceolín, M; Ituarte, S; Qiu, J. W; Sun, J; Fernández, P. E; Heras, H.
2013. PLoS One
Vitellogenin and lipovitellin from the prawn Macrobrachium borellii as hydrocarbon pollution biomarker.
García, C. F; Heras, H.
2012. Mar. Poll. Bull.
First proteome of the egg perivitelline fluid of a freshwater gastropod with aerial oviposition.
Sun, J; Zhang, H; Wang, H; Heras, H; Dreon, M; Ituarte, S; Ravasi, T; Qian, P; Qiu, J. W.
2012. J. Proteome Res.
Agglutinating activity and structural characterization of scalarin the major egg protein of the snail Pomacea scalaris.
Ituarte, S; Dreon, M. S; Ceolin, M; Heras, H. (d’Orbigny, 1832).
2012. PLoS ONE
Antioxidant response and oxidative stress levels in Macrobrachium borellii (Crustacea: Palaemonidae)exposed to the water-soluble fraction of petroleum.
Lavarías, S; Heras, H; Pedrini, N; Turnier, H; Ansaldo, M.
2011. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Triacylglycerol catabolism in the prawn Macrobrachium borellii (Crustacea: Palaemoniade).
Pasquevich, M. Y; Dreon, M. S; Lavarías, S; Heras, H.
2011. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Isolation and characterization of two vitellins from eggs of the spider Polybetes pythagoricus (Araneae: Sparassidae).
Laino, A; Cunningham, M. L; Heras, H; García, C. F.
2011. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
In vitro lipid transfer between lipoproteins and midgut-diverticula in the spider Polybetes pythagoricus.
Laino, A; Cunningham, M; Heras, H; García, C. F.
2011. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Structure and stability of the neurotoxin PV2 from the eggs of Pomacea canaliculata.
Frassa, V; Ceolin, M; Dreon, M. S; Heras, H.
2010. Biochim.Biophys.
The Role of the Proteinase Inhibitor Ovorubin in Apple Snail Eggs Resembles Plant Embryo Defenses Against Predation.
Dreón, M. S; Ituarte, S; Heras, H.
2010. PLoS ONE.
Carbohydrates and glycoforms of the major egg perivitellins from Pomacea apple snails (Architaenioglossa: Ampullariidae).
Ituarte, S; Dreón, M. S; Pasquevich, M. Y; Fernández, P. E; Heras, H.
2010. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Structure and stability of crustacean lipovitellin: Influence of lipid content and composition.
García, C. F; Cunningham, M; Soulages, J. L; Heras, H; Garda, H. A.
2010. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
First insight into the lipid uptake, storage and movilization in arachnids. Role of midgut diverticula and lipoproteins.
Laino, A; Cunningham, M; García, C. F; Heras, H.
2009. J. Insect Physiol.
Partial characterization of a malonyl-CoA-sensitive carnitine o-palmitoyltransferase I from Macrobrachium borellii. (Crustacea: Palaemomidae).
Lavarías, S; Pasquevich, Y; Dreon, M. S; Heras, H.
2009. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Isolation and characterization of a novel perivitellin from the eggs of Pomacea scalaris (Mollusca, Ampullariidae).
Ituarte, S; Dreon, M. S; Ceolin, M; Heras, H.
2008. Mol. Reprod. Dev.
First egg protein with a neurotoxic effect on mice.
Heras, H; Frassa, V; Fernández, P. E; Galosi, C. M; Gimeno, E; Dreon, M. S.
2008. Toxicon 52
Global shape and pH stability of ovorubin, an oligomeric protein from the eggs of Pomacea canaliculata.
Dreón, M. S; Ituarte, S; Ceolín, M; Heras, H.
2008. FEBS J.
Embryo lipoproteins and yolk lipovitellin consumption during embryogenesis in Macrobrachium borellii (Crustacea: Palaemonidae).
García, F; Cunningham, M; Garda, H; Heras, H.
2008. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Astaxanthin binding and structural stability of apple snail carotenoprotein ovorubin.
Dreon, M. S; Ceolin, M; Heras, H.
2007. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
Effect of the water-soluble fraction of petroleum on microsomal lipid metabolism of Machrobrachium borellii (Arthropoda: Crustacea).
Lavarías, S; García, F; Pollero, R. J; Heras, H.
2007. Aquatic Toxicol.
Egg carotenoproteins of neotropical ampullariidae (gastropoda: arquitaenioglossa).
Heras, H; Dreon, M. S; Ituarte, S; Pollero, R. J.
2007. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Novel Role for Animal Innate Immune Molecules: Enterotoxic Activity of a Snail Egg MACPF-Toxin.
Giglio, M.L.; Ituarte, S; Ibañez, Andrés E.; Dreon, M.S.; Prieto, Ed; Fernandez, Pe; Heras, H; Munson, Gp; Cristin Gilbert, Rj; Pradel, G.
2022. Lausanne
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00428
Estudios bioquímicos de la ATP citrato liasa de bacterias simbiontes de Alvinella pompejana (Anellida: Poliqueta).
Ignacio Pavía
2022. La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. p. 73-78
Apple Snail perivitellins. Multifunctional egg proteins¨. In: Biology and management of invasive apple snails.
Heras, H; Dreon, M.S; Ituarte, S; Pasquevich, M.Y; Cadierno, M.P.
2017. Philippine Rice Research Institute.
Métodos de control del desarrollo de floraciones cianobacterianas en ambientes acuáticos.
Bauzá, L; Giannuzzi, L; Petcheneshsky, T; Hansen, M; Benítez, R; De Titto, E.
2017. Revisión actualizada. Ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. p. 125-146.
Changes in carbohydrate expression in the cervical spinal cord of mice intoxicatedwith perivitellin PV2 from Pomacea canaliculata. In: Poisoning by plants, mycotoxins and related toxins.
Fernández, P. E; Frassa, V; Gimeno, E. J; Dreon, M; Heras, H.
2011. Edited by Riet-Correa.
¿Por qué hay huevos que nadie quiere comer?
Heras, H.
2014. Ciencia Hoy (Trabajo de divulgación)
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“IFS Jubilee Award 2006”
Premio otorgado a los investigadores sobresalientes de proyectos subsidiados por la Internacional Foundation for Science al Dr. Heras Horacio. Suecia – 2006.